how do we even be fucking human anymore
collage on paper

everything is propaganda, consume at your own risk
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why did the chicken rowed the cross?
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your changes can still be saved
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unleash the unverified user within
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under no circumstances are you to look
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this token is non-fungible
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the means are the ends
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the broadcast is always transmitting but the connections may vary
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the banality of the age of man
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please, no sandwiches in the shower
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nature speaks in symbols
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maybe i am not real, but i am alive
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i am not a robot, i am a unicorn
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copy the past, paste the future
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come bestie, it’s time to validate each others delusional thinking
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blue pilled
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be born, love, get sick, die
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beauty is the appearance of eternity in time
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i hacked the cloud and harvested the jpgs for sustenance
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we did not consent to this reality
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we import two thirds of our cheese, that is a disgrace
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he doesn’t have bad dreams because he’s just a piece of plastic
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forbidden knowledge acquired
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time moves slow when you are lost in the dream
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natural american spirit
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on our way to exhibit pure emotional intelligence
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i did it all for the nookie
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we’ve waited so long and yet we’ve no idea what for
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will you be home in time for harvest?
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we are the universe experiencing itself
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there is precious little for modern man to do except plug in
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the pickle man tricked me again
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the future is unverified
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i did not consent to this reality
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i am not a brand, i am a free man
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cultural penetration
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burdened by images
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and miles to go before we sleep
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the body is a thing among things
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death to false content
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